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Integrative Manual Therapy: For the Autonomic Nervous System and Related Disorders : Utilizing Advanced Strain and Counterstrain
Integrative Manual Therapy: For the Autonomic Nervous System and Related Disorders : Utilizing Advanced Strain and Counterstrain
  • 定價:2275


    博客來-Integrative Manual Therapy: For the Autonomic Nervous System and Related Disorders : Utilizing Advanced Strain and Counterstrain博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010752900


    This book is the first of its kind: a text for systematic treatment of tissues and structures innervated by the automatic nervous system. Muscle spasms induced by stress, visceral and circulatory problems and central nervous system dysfunctions can be alleviated. Arterial and venous blood flow will increase. Lymphatic drainage will improve. Muscles of organs and eyes and speech and swallowing will function more efficiently. Tendon Release Therapy for treatment of tendon lesions and scars is presented. Disc Therapy for effective elimination of discogenic problems is covered. Over one hundred techniques are presented in this book.


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