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Mastering Vocabulary With Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words: Book 2
Mastering Vocabulary With Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words: Book 2
  • 作者:Draze, Dianne
  • 出版社:Sourcebooks Inc
  • 出版日期:2005/06/01
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:698


    博客來-Mastering Vocabulary With Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words: Book 2博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010760183


      Help students improve their mastery of the English language and acquire the keys for understanding thousands of words by studying Greek and Latin prefixes, root words and suffixes. This second in a two-book series contains three sections (prefixes, root words and suffixes), but each section has the same format. Each of the lessons include: 2 to 4 prefixes, suffixes, or root words along with meanings and sample words, 10 new vocabulary words that use these word parts, definitions and sample sentences for each new word, and a one-page worksheet that presents a variety of ways to apply knowledge and expand understanding of the definitions and uses of the word parts.

      In addition to the extensive student section, the book includes considerable reference material to help the instructor. This includes: a comprehensive listing of prefixes, root words and suffixes, their meanings and sample words extra words to use with each lesson, open-ended worksheets that can be used with any lesson, and additional lesson ideas to supplement your word study.

      This is one of the most complete, usable presentations of vocabulary development using word parts you will find. A knowledge of word parts gives students a head start on decoding words in reading and testing situations. A red hot vocabulary program!


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